How to use digital tools pedagogically meaningful ways in learning?’’
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The globalization and consequently rapid dissemination of the ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) generate new ways of acting, of interacting and learning. We can see that people do not live in the same way as in the past because nowadays we have many tools that facilitates our life, our work and that affects many other aspects of our daily lives. On this context, we see the necessity to include this digital tools in the school environment, as a consequence to the fact that our students also do not learn in the same way as in the past, now they have a lot of resources to access dynamic information that can help them also in the process of teaching and learning.
The use of digital tools pedagogically meaningful ways in the process of teaching and learning can provide educational practices interconnected to various media, making the materials much more attractive to the students. In addition, access to electronic networks can provide interactivity between learners and teachers who can already communicate, exchange information, perform group tasks, and even enhance bonds of friendship. In this sense, using technology to help the work of the teachers and to engage students can generate improvements in the teaching and learning process, because we can not separate the educational process and the technological world.
According to this perspective, Moran (2013) says that the process of teaching and learning are in this century increasingly being challenged. There are countless sources, distinct conceptions, instant information. The consequence of this is visible in the educational process. Educating today is more complex, the subject in this contemporary society, with a fragmented identity, is also complex. It is interesting also to see that technologies reach more the students than the teachers. So, it is necessary to rethink the whole process, redesigning to teach, work together with the students, guiding activities and finding new ways to work meaningfully.
ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) are one of the resources most used by postmodern society, which is increasingly communicated through technological devices. Related to school, there is a need to integrate new proposals for the use of technological resources to pedagogical practices, making the school an environment to research, teaching and collaboration.
In this context, new pedagogical approaches have been developed to promote a more active learning, including the integration of the methods used in traditional classes with online activities, this approach is called blended learning (GARRISON and KANUKA, 2004).
Working with new technology, for instance, are quite difficult because there are lots of poverty in Brazilians schools, but nothing is impossible if you want to do it. In this context, one of plausible action is creating groups of interested students once they will bring to this challenge tools and knowledges not available in teachers know-how, considering that many of the teachers currently active in our state of Paraíba belong to the generation that do not have intimacy with technology, but their students certainly have it. In addition, this type of work encourages teamwork and collaboration among those involved, which in our view is a good exercise in citizenship.
MORAN, J.M. Como utilizar as tecnologias na escola. São Paulo. 2013. Disponível em: <> Acesso em 21 nov. 2016.
GARRISON, D. R.; KANUKA, H. Blended learning: uncovering its transformative potential in high education. Internet in Higher Education, n. 7, 2004.
By: Nego Group
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