How to implement Project-Based Learning in my work?
Firstly, it is important to understand the main idea related to the Project based learning (PBL), emphasises on the students engagement and also to make the environment of the school more reliable and meaningful to the students. It means that the students are the center of the learning process and the teacher is only there to guide them in the activities.
The Project based learning can be described as a tool to plan and build projects at school. It involves most of the time dynamic classroom approaches and the students are invited to learn in a deeper way. It is a teaching method in which the students learn, build knowledge and skills through competency based curriculum. To implement the Project based learning is necessary much preparation and planning to design an effective way to develop the student skills, and also is really important to have the start point, a driving question, a real world topic, in which the school community is involved, and get the students attention to the real problem situation. this driving question will guide teachers and students during the development of the work and should be answered at the end of the project. So, the daily lessons, contents, activities should help students to answer this driving question and its result will be reflected in a continuously learning, when the students should be motivated to build their knowledge in an autonomy way. When the design of the project is presented to the school community, it is important to have in mind which contents will be addressed, how the teachers could explore different possibilities of approaches, how the selected activities would support the question and utilize the curriculum contents to increase the students competences. Integrate as many subjects as possible and develop always new topics and new issues that increase students motivation, curiosity and allow to students to go in other directions providing resources, guidance and giving them feedback of good things that they are doing. The goals of the project should be clear, on its purpose,improve. It is necessary time for reflection, allowing self-evaluation of activities and discuss what need to change, what work well and also share new ideas for the project.
As tapiocas:
Anderlane Lima
Daniela Soprani
Ketlen da Silva
Monique Viana
Vilma Raquel
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